PAPY, FRANK MARIN, III, writer, editor; b. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 31, 1940; s. Frank M. Jr. and Catlain I. Papy; m. Nora M. Maaganck, Sept. 23, 1943; 1 child, Ellie M. At, Armstrong Coll., Savannah, Ga., 1957, U. Ga., Athens, 1958. Cons. Strachan Shipping, Savannah, Ga., 1960; administr. Nautica, Inc., Miami, Fla., 1972; instr. Boy Scouts of Am., Keys, Fla., 1976; writer Coastal Cruising mag., Beaufort, NC, 1990; contbg. editor Tropical Isles Pub., NYC, 1992. Commodore Seven Seas Cruising Club, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Author: Cruising Guide to Fla. Keys, 1976, Sailing Impressions, Ideas, Deeds, 2000, Waypoint for Revenge, 2002. Advisor Boy Scouts Am., Fla Keys, 1976, sailing instr., 1981; group leader George Gurdjieff Studies, Fla. Keys, 1971-. Staff sgt. U.S. Army, 1960-67. Mem.: Sports Writers Guild, Boating Writers Assn. Republican. Espiscopalian. Avocations: yachting, philosophy, writing, fishing. Home: 87425 Old Hwy., Islamorada, FL 33036
Capt. Frank Papy was born in Savannah, Georgia and grew up in the lowcountry of South Carolina. An experienced seaman, Frank Papy began sailing at the age of 11 when his uncle gave him his own pram, "Sea Fox," which he had to build before he could sail it. His mother helped him sew the sails, and he has been sailing ever since.
During his teens he sailed class boats in races at the Savannah Yacht & Country Club. At 23 years of age he began his professional sailing career, serving as first mate on a 12-meter yawl carrying charters from Ft. Lauderdale to the Bahamas. He also served on boats sailing to Panama and Jamaica.
In 1967 he bought the first of three sloops and began cruising the Florida Keys, from Biscayne Bay to the Dry Tortugas with frequent trips to the Bahamas. He lives the summers on Fox Island on the South Carolina coast and winters in Islamorada in the Keys, teaching sailing lessons for Treasure Harbor Charters both in the Keys and Bahamas.
Capt. Papy is one of the few cruising guide authors that actually goes out and researches every day. Currently he commands his research vessel "Skybird," which can be found cruising around the Florida Keys out of Islamorada.
With the popularity of his books and stories, he lectures through "Cruising World" magazines, and is on the preferred speakers list. In addition to being a private charter captain for many years and a writer and editor, Capt. Papy has been a live aboard boater, sailing instructor, Commodore of the Seven Seas Cruising Association, and is graduate of Armstrong College, Savannah, GA and University of Georgia, Athens, GA. He is a member of the Sports Writers Guild and the Boating Writers Association.
Due to the popularity of the Cruising Guide to the Florida Keys, Capt. Papy is requested to lecture at yacht clubs, and has written for many of the leading nautical publications.
"Cruising Guide to the Florida Keys"
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